Tuesday 27 March 2012

Male Waxing - an unsolicited testimonial

On my male waxing and massage website there is often not enough room to display the full testimonials which I get from my clients. So today I thought that I would share this one with you in its entirety, especially as it was their first time and completely unsolicited.

First_Name: Jo
Last_Name: M******
Address: *********place
New Haw
Telephone: 07*********
Email: J*******@hotmail.co.uk
Subject: Thank you!
Message: Hi Daniel, (on behalf of Phil) just to say, it was very nice meeting you yesterday when you did waxing wonder's on Phil's  back and shoulders, your professionism, together with your fantastic humour helped put him at ease no end and induced a lot of laughs!
He is absolutely delighted with the results and admits the pain was worth it, I am in no doubt he'll be back to see you. We would have no hesitation is recommending you.  See you again, best wishes. Jo & Phil

It's great to hear from happy customers and new customers and especially great to hear from new, happy male waxing customers!


Friday 16 March 2012

How much does Laser Lipo cost?

I have been a trained Laser Lipo technician for a while now - and offer Laser Lipo inch-loss treatment sessions at my home salon in Woking Surrey for about a year. I have even given myself and my partner several treatments over that time.

But now - thanks to our special offer - we are too busy to treat ourselves and take a brisk walk afterwards.

As we have building works going on at home for a few months, I thought that we'd offer a discount for new clients - as a sort of compensation for the noise, mess and disruption and so that we could get some Laser Lipo clients during the day (before the builders go home at 3pm). So we came up with the idea of £400 for 8 treatments as long as the treatments were paid for in advance. (Well we have to pay the builders somehow!) Anyway that's a whopping 40 per cent discount on an already-discounted price and values each Laser Lipo treatment at just £50 each.

With a newly-written Google Adwords campaign highlighting this offer running, I have never been so busy with Laser Lipo treatments (let alone my male waxing, massage, facials and threading clients) that I don’t get chance to treat myself anymore! I even have two clients with the same name - which is a recipe for trouble.

I have just remembered - I did have one day off recently when the builders had to prop up the hall ceiling by putting an acro-prop in front of my treatment room door - preventing anyone getting in or out. Every cloud...

Saturday 10 March 2012

How do I market my Laser Lipo business?

Did you know that Inbound Marketing is becoming more important to a Laser Lipo and Male Waxing business these days than Outbound Marketing?

I certainly didn’t. Until I read an article this week I had no idea what Inbound or Outbound Marketing were.

To save you the time of reading what was an unecessarily long e-book full of pie charts and diagrams I can summarise it for you. Here is a list of marketing techniques in order of importance:




Linked In


Email Campaigns

Direct Marketing

Trade Shows

The bottom three (Outbound Marketing) are becoming less and less important to gaining sales leads and the top three (Inbound Marketing) are becoming more and more importand to generating hot male waxing and male massage leads.

The Inbound Marketing - along with PPC (Google Adwords) is where we have been putting our effort for years and will continue to do so - as the cost to my Laser Lipo business for each lead generated is a lot less than the Outbound Marketing. It's great to know that we have been doing the right things all along - without knowing it.

So where will you put your time, effort and money in future?

How to run a Laser Lipo and Massage Business with Builders

No one said that running a business was easy. Especially a Laser Lipo, Massage and Male Waxing business when you are the boss. Long hours. Spending the weekend doing accounts and catching up on paperwork.

But that is made all the harder when the builders move in. Earlier starts - and even later finishes as we have to schedule some massage clients after 4pm.

Still I am sure it will be worth all the pain in the end. At least that is what we tell ourselves as Andrew, Ricky and I sit just a little bit too close to each other for comfort or hygeine - cramped into one tiny office for weeks on end.

Thankfully most of my clients are very understanding and are intrigued by what is going on rather than disturbed by the noise, mess and disruption. I also continue to offer appointments in the evenings and at weekends when it is quiet.

I suppose it doesn't make too much difference to someone having a Laser Lipo treatment, Threading, a Facial or Male Waxing once they are in my therapy room. Some of my clients are even happy to have a massage while the builders make a racket!

And for that I remain very thankful - builders aren't cheap.