Saturday 15 October 2011

Laser Lipo video

Well it's taken a lot longer than I thought it would but finally both my Laser Lipo webpage and my therapy room are now up and running and fully functional. I even have a Laser Lipo sign on my door to my therapy room where I also do massage, male waxing, facials and threading.

Have you seen the new pictures on my Laser Lipo webpage? There is a full description of how Laser Lipo works and full FAQs but as they say - a picture is worth a thousand words, so you can see genuine before and after pictures of a client who has lost 30 pounds thanks to Laser Lipo inch loss and body sculpting.

So what is the value of a video? Priceless I think. Anyway do have a look at it and you can see exactly what will happen if you come for a Laser Lipo treatment in Surrey. I think it's rather good.

Happy viewing!   

Saturday 1 October 2011

How does Laser Lipo work?

This article explains how laser lipo, and in particular the Lumislim laser lipo, works.

Firstly, Laser lipo may be new as a body contouring treatment, but the use of this type of laser is actually long standing. Lumislim and similar machines us a low hazard cold laser diode emitter that is active on the 650nm wavelength. This frequency of laser energy stimulates the fat cell membranes, changing their permeability. The cells lose their round shape, and intracellular fat is released.

Next, the fatty triglycerides flow out of the disrupted cell membranes and into the interstitial space, where they gradually pass through the body’s lymphatic system and cause no harmful physiological effects. The fat is then used as an energy source for the body or passed in the urine as waste.

This process does not alter neighbouring structures such as the skin, blood vessels, and peripheral nerves. It is not merely the liquefaction of fat but instead it is the instant breakdown of the fat cells that occurs, otherwise known as lipolysis, laser lipolysis or laser lipo.

Why should you use the Sigma LumiSlim Pro?

Because it gives immediate results

There are no starvation diets

It gives long lasting & natural results.

It's completely safe

It's pain free

What will happen during my Laser Lipolysis treatment?

During a routine laser lipo treatment, up to four treatment pads containing the laser diodes are placed over the treatment area and secured in direct contact with the skin using elastic straps. Then two more laser probes are positioned onto the region of the lymphatic nodes closest to the treatment zone. Once all of the pads are in place, the clients can get comfortable, read a magazine and just enjoy the treatment or get an indian head massage atthe same time.

Why is Laser Lipo is the best inch-loss treatment?

Results of Laser Lipo treatments will vary from person to person, but in 2008 RED magazine conducted a survey of a number of treatments and the results are below:

Treatment Name....... Type.......... No of treatments..... Fat loss.... Cost

LASERLIPO.... Class 3B laser....... 8........................ 19.5cm ......£1,000

Alma Accent...... Radio Frequency... 7....................... 7cm.............£2,000

Smartlipo Laser/Surgery................. 1....................... 6cm ..............£2,000

Lipo-Smooth ........Ultrasound........ 6....................... 5cm ...............£880

Ultratone............... Electric pulses ..12................... 4.5cm ...............£420

Tripolar ...............Radio Frequency.. 6-8.............. 4.5cm ...............£1,200

Lipomassage.........Motorised rollers...6-8............. 3cm ...................£360

From the figures above you can see that Laser Lipo results in the most inches lost and is the best value for money.