Monday 15 July 2013

Anyone for a Snail Facial?

As a Beauty Therapist I offer facials. But a Japanese beauty salon is offering facials with a difference: they use snails! The snails are placed on the cheeks of the customer and are then allowed to move freely around the face. 

Tokyo-based beauty salon says that the slime left by snails has an anti-ageing effect on skin. It helps remove old cells, heal the skin after sunburn and moisturises it. The hours treatment – costing 160 pounds - leaves you with 100% pure snail essence on your skin. 

The treatment is followed by massages and masks using creams containing snail mucus. Sayaka Ito, who has already had the treatment, said: "You can feel the snails moving on your face. At first, it is surprising, but it's actually rather nice. "My skin really does feel smooth and moist." 

I don't fancy it myself, maybe you do? 

Thursday 13 June 2013

How does 3d-lipo compare to other treatments?

I thought summer was here. Then it wasn't. Then it was for a couple of days - but now it's really on the way...
3d-lipo is just one of several non-invasive body contouring treatments that claim to help you lose inches and get toned without going to the gym. So do they work and which is best?
Click here for a nice article from the London Metro which investigated. 

Friday 22 February 2013

See local press for details

Today I had my first advert for my Weight Loss 3D-lipo machine and editorial published in our local paper, the Woking News and Mail.

It was a lot of last-minute stress creating the artwork for the advert to enable us to meet the newspaper's deadline for their Heath and Fitness feature, but we got there:

And, after that, the editorial was easy to write:

To find out more about 3D-lipo and the other beauty therapies I offer please visit or call me on 07902 716499. Or see local press for details!