Tuesday 16 February 2021

We'll Meet Again for Massage

 For getting on for nearly a year now, we have all been affected by Covid-19, whether in small, medium, or large ways. This has included massage and associated services, which have been operating intermittently.

It’s not that we are being unsociable, but rather co-operative and acting responsibly in observing limitations ‘for the good of everyone’, ourselves included. This was on a notice I saw in a public place asking people not to leave any bags unattended.

It is good if have lost our panic over the initial outbreak of Covid-19, but we remain careful and sensible, still taking our part, doing what we can, even if some of our feelings have become a bit numbed through habit. This can be so in remembering at times ‘Oops, I’m standing too close to this person’ or ‘Oh yes, I forgot, massage and other services are not available just now’.

But hopefully in time there will be opportunities again to experience touch in massage; the warmth of hot stones or wax; a little pain even (or minimal?!), in waxing, but for good; the relaxing atmosphere of a visit to a masseur/therapist; or whatever pleasantries we may experience again (or anew) from the treatment we desire to have. We can remind ourselves it is not always or only massage that is available.

This will be beneficial to the masseur’s/therapist’s ‘trade’ too, as he/she is able to see clients again, or call them customers, or even friends. This may be so, particularly if a relationship of sorts is formed in a professional capacity, such as in several visits for a course of treatment.

Aspects of massage and other treatments may affect different people in different ways, such as if we are a touchy-feely person; or like the pleasant sensations, such as hot stones or wax; or wish to enhance our appearance through waxing, fat reduction, eyebrow threading, etc. Whatever we may choose, it will surely be of value, as in ‘it’s all good stuff!’

See you soon, hopefully before too long, if for a first visit, or see you again if making a return visit for a massage. We’ll meet again – to change the song a little – we shall know where, at Daniel’s, or a home visit maybe, even if we don’t yet know when.

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