Wednesday 15 September 2021

Is a Massage Stressful?


What might go on within, inside of you, when you have a massage? How might stress be part of this, for good?

There appears to be ‘good’ stress, as in eustress – also see the ‘Eu’ blog of 18 May 2021. This is from the Greek eu=good, as in, e.g. euphoria. There is also ‘bad’ stress, as in distress, from the Latin dis=bad. 

We need not be Greek or Latin scholars with this, thankfully. An endocrinologist, Hans Selye (1907-1982) researched stress. See the blog of 18 August 2021 for ‘endo’ and ‘exo’ prefix explanations.

It seems that stress of whatever sort has some effect, or affect, or both, on us from within ourselves. This is somehow expressed outwardly in some way or ways, whether consciously or unconsciously. The stress may also sometimes be depressed in us, causing us to feel, as its description, depressed. Not that stress is the only cause of depression. Or stress may be suppressed, or repressed (repression is deeper than suppression).

 Also, in cells making up our human bodies, there are electrical charges. Some are positive and some are negative. See also blog of 24 February 2021 of some electrical matters in this context.

 For a massage or other treatment, we do not need to understand all that may go on inside of us when we have treatments. 

We may know of some of the more well-known bodily chemicals such as serotonin, called the ‘happy hormone’ or ‘feel-good hormone’ which is released in us. 

This will be so when, for example, you have a massage. You will hopefully feel good, though not needing to know all about the why or how or whatever of it, the ‘whatever’ maybe being the literal ins-and-outs of it.


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