Friday 28 February 2020

Why Should I have a Hot Stone Massage?

It is true that massage is a ‘hands-on’ experience, or it could be called a ‘stones-on’ experience if you are having a hot stone massage. In this, there is the benefit of human touch from a masseur, whether as a general help, or to relieve particular aches or pains or stresses. One can trust to the masseur for the session, not having to do anything oneself, but simply to relax and enjoy the session.

The masseur’s hands and temperature of the room will be warm enough to be comfortable and pleasant, along with the atmosphere of the room, helping to give a relaxing ambience. 

There is the experience of feeling the masseur’s hands, whether gliding softly, maybe with oil, or maybe more firmly where needed in certain areas. With hot stones there is the feeling of the stones on one’s body, and gradually decreasing in heat until newly-heated stones are applied. 

One may have some unusual reactions from massage, though not harmful. They may arise, in some cases, from one’s subconscious, such as tingles or shivers, even on a warm day, or extra warmth, even on a cold day. One can go with the flow of these, as nothing sinister or dangerous is happening.

Also during the massage one may breathe deeply in and out, all helping to contribute towards the balance, or restoring of balance, between body, soul, and spirit. This can enable us to feel human again, if feeling stressed out, and give a true impression of massage as wholly therapeutic. Hopefully clients find the massage is, or has been, well worth it.

Friday 21 February 2020

Why should I have a Massage?

In the hustle and bustle often of everyday life, if you get a chance, make time for a massage. It can be beneficial and therapeutic.

It can be true that there are experiences and feelings beyond the literal ‘surface’ massage, where one can relax and be eased of strains and stresses. 

These could be psychosomatic - something of the body affecting the soul or spirit, or vice versa, where aches and pains of the body may be due to some strain or tension within. These can arise from the soul or spirit, in the complexity of each human being.

So a hands-on massage can ease surface tensions, and also more deep-seated matters. The peace, comfort, good feelings, etc, of a good massage can be retained after the actual massage session, or at least to some extent.

It helps to give oneself enough time, and to plan around the massage appointment, such as not being heavily dependent on time constraints. For example, if dashing off immediately after the massage to catch a bus or train, making a tight schedule for oneself, it could mean that the beneficial aspects of the massage are soon lost. This is a pity, as something positive, healing, helpful will likely have taken place during the massage or hopefully not too long after it.

It may be that a masseur has ‘healing hands’, though this is not only a one-way thing, if we do believe he/she has healing hands. 

There is also the client’s receptivity too, and their openness for the massage to be, to a good degree, what they wish it to be. 

They can bring their expectations to the massage session, and so find it as a two-way process between the masseur and the client, in co-operation, so covering psychological (soul, spirit) as well as physiological (body) aspects, for a truly wholesome massage.